- For Reservation
Check Payments must be in on-date check issuance.
- For Equity Payment:
Client must issue post dated checks depending on how many months will be his/her equity payable.
- Upon Check Issuance:
Since 2016, checks with erasures, corrections, or deficiencies are no longer accepted, as per the Philippine Clearing House Corporation (PCHC) Memo Circular 15-460. If you’re still not sure how to write one, here’s a guide to formats used in writing a check in the Philippines:
1. Writing the Date
Effective July 1, 2018, these are the accepted formats when issuing date of checks for clearing:
Format Example:
- Fully Written November 9, 2018
- Abbreviated Month (First Three Letters) Nov 9, 2018
- Numeric Style (with Full Year) 11092018
- Numeric Style (with last two-digit year) 110918
- Numeric with ‘/’ partition (full year) 11/09/2018
- Numeric with ‘/’ partition (shortened year) 11/09/18
- Numeric with ‘-’ partition (full year) 11-09-2018
- Numeric with ‘-’ partition (shortened year) 11-09-18
- Numeric with ‘.’ Partition (full year) 11.09.2018
- Numeric with ‘.’ partition (shortened year) 11.09.18
2. Writing the Name of the Recipient
- Prestige Homes and Realty Development Corporation OR Prestige Homes and Realty Dev’t Corp.
This image is for reference only.